Concerning William Barr’s Election Fraud Probe

Justin Patterson
2 min readDec 1, 2020

After several weeks of spreading misinformation and purposely obstructing the transition process, our Attorney General Bill Barr (installed by Trump himself) has indeed verified no mass election fraud was discovered:

There was no fraud, our poll worker volunteers shouldn’t receive death threats for upholding our democracy, and our citizens deserve applause for achieving the highest voter turnout in a century. Barr’s purposeful prodding of our electorate is just the tip of the iceberg of how awful he and the rest of this administration have been.

I can’t stress enough how unhealthy it is for our country’s citizens to have such contempt for the democratic process. I totally understand that something feels off to you, but it’s because our entire system of delivering catered social content and information is designed to polarize and misinform. It’s also because every high ranking position has been gutted and replaced by those considered to be “loyal” to Trump as opposed to the country. We’ve been using the same system for voting for 300 years, and from a security perspective, it’s been totally above board.

I get being passionate about the future of our country, but the line is drawn at Trump for the dangerous, nepotistic, malicious entity he is in our system. There is such a staggering list of questionable, illegal, and unethical things he’s done on a weekly basis that it’s hard to keep it in perspective.

This man is not worth our energy. How he’s gotten so far is a testament to how fractured we’ve become, so partisan that we’d put up our blinders to a clear grifter over agreeing with the other side. We’re all Americans, let’s get past this. We’re in this thing together.



Justin Patterson

Sometimes I’m just too mildly concerned and publish overviews of current affairs.